The first project of this semester was a group project were we learnt the fundamental importance of using diagrams in our work. Diagrams are tools that enable us to analyze the architectural principles which are the fundamental ideas we use to get a good design outcome. Each group was assigned a building to analyze, in our case it was Sahi W&D House and we had to make a 8x8x8 model in the following criteria's; concept, structure, context, space planning and circulation & zoning. We carried out our research virtually and posted our findings on miro. Overall this project taught me how to analyze buildings and how to present them in a simplified manner. My assigned task in this was the space planning and to build the model for it. I also learnt how to work with a team in terms of meeting the deadlines set by the members to produce work.
This was another group project as a continuation from from project 1, we had to design a 125 meter cube tropical rainforest discovery platform that has a spatial experience, using the architectural principles from assignment 1. We were required to research on rainforests and come up with an imaginary site of our choosing. We were required to look at the effects on materials and the effects the have on crafting architectural spaces with the platform being a minimum of 70% dry construction and maximum 30% other materials. In this project I continued to learn how to wok in a team and how to speak out on an idea I feel will benefit the team. I feel we distributed the tasks as to what everyone felt comfortable doing and I think this should have helped everyone achieve a successful outcome.
Bukit Jalil Discovery Unit
This project was divided into two halves the first half was group work in which we had to record and document the site located in Bukit Jalil Recreational Park. We had to record everything from circulation, weather, noise and activities caried out in the park. My team and I were assigned to research on the climate in the area and I was in charge of the Rainfall information in the area. carrying out all this information was important in aiding us with the information of the site and helping us in making the decision of where to place our structure and how to design it in the best possible way to benefit from all the positive attributes of the site as well as to minimize all the negative interactions from the site with the structure. This discovery center should be designed to comfortably accommodate myself and another user for two days and we should consider things like wind flow, light and shadow, circulation and space and volume. Overall in this project one of the main things I learnt was to design with clients requirements as a priority. I also learnt how to analyze a site and how best to design for the conditions at hand.